水帘生产厂家什么叫防爆电器 灯具 控制箱 启动器 风机汽轮机油乳
说明:通常来说,防爆电器是指存在有爆炸危险性气体和蒸气的场所采用的一类电气设备。化工生产经常遇到各种有爆炸危险性的气体和蒸气,在有这些介质的地方,按照有关规范、标准和规定,正确选用合适的防爆电器,是保证安全生产、防止爆炸和火灾发生的重要措施。按类型分为隔爆型、增安型 、本质安全型、正压型、充油型、充砂型、无火花型、特殊型。主要品种有防爆转换开关及刀开关、防爆空气自动开关、工厂用防爆磁力起动器、防爆控制按钮、防爆操作柱、防爆行程开关、防爆插销、防爆接线箱、防爆接线盒、防爆管件及密封材料、防爆电磁铁及防爆电磁阀等。
Mainly used for controlling a lighting system lighting distribution box and used to control the power systems power box. This kind of most products modular structure, can control up to 12 loop, its shell is most of the cast aluminum alloy production, also one part for the steel plate welded, the few for the housing of insulating materials. Its interior is mainly composed of a circuit breaker, contactor, thermal relay. Switch, lights, buttons and other components, factory can also be according to user needs and the choice of equipment. Explosion proof grade up to a maximum of CT6 class ii. Incidentally, explosion-proof, explosion-proof automatic switch knife switch and a fuse in a number of control occasions also used as a control or power lighting distribution system and the line, just become a one-piece. Therefore, these products are also classified in this type of product.
Such products include manual starter, explosion-proof electromagnetic starter, reversible electromagnetic starter, auto-decompression starter, Y -- a transformation buck starter and feeder switches and other products. Flameproof starter products as the terminal control equipment, is generally a starter control of a motor, which belongs to a large class of product. The shell is usually by casting aluminum or steel. Its interior is generally composed of contactor ( air or vacuum ), motor protection system, lights, buttons and autotransformer OS and other components, and generally has a local control, remote control and automatic control function. Some products are installed in the circuit breaker for switch, to make our products more perfect.
This kind of product market demand is relatively large, so manufacturers are also more, including lighting switch, switch ( switch ), a travel switch, a pull switch and other small explosion-proof products. These products are explosion-proof grade up to CT6 level, the explosion-proof housing is usually adopt cast aluminum die-casting alloy composite structure, also have a few factories using other material shell. The characteristic of this kind of product is small in volume, single internal components, low technology content, has the advantages of simple structure, easy manufacture.
The main electrical appliances are used to close or open the control circuit, to issue orders or program controlled switch electric appliance. This kind of explosion-proof electrical equipment including the control button and the operation column. Controlling button shell is generally used polycarbonate, glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin or ABS plastic injection molding manufacturing, there is a small amount of casting aluminum die casting forming. The general structure of Increased-Safety shell, built-in flameproof elements, but also can realize the function of anticorrosion, explosion-proof level of up to C level. Operation column is mainly composed of a main box, junction box and pillar. The main box and junction box, some are made into a whole, some made of split, each have a characteristic. Its material basically is cast with aluminum alloy material. Internally by various instruments, switches, buttons and lights and other components. According to different needs combination.
Electrical equipment in use is subject to the wires or cables and power supply network connection, form the system to complete the function of. But the connecting wires or cables may not be infinitely long, and in the process of connecting needed a lot of series, parallel wire tapping. This will inevitably cause the joint part of the outer filter, is easy to cause accident. The explosion-proof junction box products is to solve this problem and the production of products, in order to further ensure safety production. This kind of product includes a junction box, junction box, threading box, hanging box, junction box, and other products, its shell is mainly composed of cast aluminum alloy manufacturing. According to the needs of a lot of the inlet line and the outlet line leading device, provided with a wiring terminal, used for connecting or tappi
前 言
1 汽轮机油质要求
运动粘度(40℃): (28.8~35.2)mm2/s闪点(启齿): 不低于180℃机械杂质: 无破乳化值(40-37-3)mL:
不年夜于15min(54℃时)起泡性实验 24℃:不年夜于450mL/0mL93℃:不年夜于100mL/0mL
后24℃:不年夜于450mL/0mL氧化后酸值达2.0mgKOH/g时:不小于3 000h液相锈蚀实验(合成海水): 无锈
铜片实验(100℃、3h): 不年夜于1级
2 汽轮机油乳化缘由
3 汽轮机油乳化的风险及处置措施
3.1 汽轮机油乳化的风险
3.2 处置措施
4 竣事语