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Why not introduce more NHS charges?

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'Founding principles'

When it comes to charging, there are several options that could be pursued. As Reform suggested, a charge for seeing a GP could be a valuable source of income.


来源:搜狐网 更新时间:2016-03-12 07:55:09 分类:科技 关键词:o2o,卡拉


Why not introduce more NHS charges?

Why not introduce more NHS charges?



Anita Charlesworth, chief economist of the Health Foundation, says that even though there are already charges in the NHS, there is still a fear that it would be seen as a "challenge to the founding principles of the NHS".


"The issue that people keep coming back to is whether this will have an impact on people accessing health services. If you deter people, it can just mean treatment is delayed and more expensive care is needed later on," she adds.







What is more, charging is already commonplace in many health systems. An OECD analysis of 29 leading health care systems found 20 had charges for visiting a GP, while half had some kind of fee or co-payment for hospital treatment.

The move in 1952 was controversial, but did enough to get the NHS out of a tricky hole. With the finances tight again, should extending charges be under consideration now?


But despite all this, it's very unlikely that the issue of charging will be put forward by any of the main political parties in the forthcoming election campaign. Why?

If that seems unfair, consider this: under the government's plan for a cap on care costs people in care homes will still having to pay about ?33 a night in living costs.


Like the NHS for eye tests, dentistry and prescriptions, exemptions often exist for children, older people and the least well-off.


NHS charges: A short history
Nurses at work. Pic courtesy of Addenbrooke's Hospital

Perhaps the most thorough piece of research on this issue was done in the 1960s by RAND in the US. Overall it found there was little impact on health outcomes from the introduction of charges for most people.

Does charging pay?
Bank card


If this was scrapped, alongside the exemptions for pregnant women and some children, the prescription charge could be reduced from the current level of ?8.05 to ?2.50 and an extra ?1bn would still be raised.

It is a question that has been asked several times in recent years. Research in 2013 by Reform, a centre-right think-tank, found a ?10 charge for GP consultations could raise ?1.2bn a year even with exemptions for age and income.

For example, the over 60s get free prescriptions, but have to pay for dentistry. It is one of the reasons why less than 10% of prescriptions are paid for.

There are an estimated 340m consultations each year - so the potential to raise money is obvious. Although with the move towards email and telephone consultations and the increasing use of practice nurses to deliver them, a flat fee might not work.



This is why last year the Barker Commission, set up by the King's Fund to look at how the NHS and care system should be organised in the future, concluded introducing new charges "fail the criterion of equity" and, therefore, there was "little scope for introducing them".


But there was one exception: people on the lowest incomes, who are most likely to have the worst health in the first place.

来源:Bbc 更新时间:2016-03-12 10:29:24 分类:News




It comes down to access. Those involved with the NHS are proud of the fact that in the UK cost is not considered a barrier to seeking health care - as these figures from the Commonwealth Fund show.

The issue was also discussed at British Medical Association and Royal College of Nursing conferences last year. Although at both the motions drawn up calling on more charging to be introduced were not passed.


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Charges for visiting A&E would generate less income unless they were set a a higher level as there are only just over 22m visits a year and introducing could prove problematic given the busy nature of departments.

In the early 1950s, the NHS was going through a tough period. Money was tight and demand was rising. So ministers came up with a radical plan - they introduced charges for dentistry, prescriptions and spectacles.

Another option that gets an airing from time-to-time are "hotel" charges for hospital stays. At anyone time there are about 120,000 beds occupied so a ?10 charge would raise ?450m a year or a ?50 charge, ?2.25bn.


If anything, the review said it might make more sense to reduce charges to increase revenues. Confused? One of the problems with the current system is the anomalies that exist in terms of exemptions for fees.

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