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通风换气次数:ireland closes legal drugs loophole - cnn.com科


来源:腾讯网 更新时间:2016-03-12 08:12:22 分类:科技 关键词:疑为暗物质信号

    科学家发现神秘伽玛射线 疑为暗物质信号

    Varadkar also told the Irish Times that the court ruling could affect "dozens" of cases, although The Journal of Ireland said the court's decision will affect only cases now in the judicial process.



    科学家发现神秘伽玛射线 疑为暗物质信号

    科学家发现神秘伽玛射线 疑为暗物质信号

    来源:Cnn 更新时间:2016-03-12 08:40:54 分类:News 关键词:...

    Varadkar said the temporarily legalized substances -- which include a wide array of synthetic or "head shop" drugs -- "all have very significant health risks that outweigh any perceived recreational benefits," according to the Irish Times.

    (CNN)Well, it was weird while it lasted.


    The emergency law moved through the Irish legislature and was signed by the President on Wednesday, meaning that the drugs would become illegal to possess again at midnight, a Department of Health spokeswoman told CNN.


    The original schedule of substances listed in the 1977 law -- including cannabis, cocaine and heroin -- were untouched by the appeals court ruling and remained illegal.

    Story highlights

      The loophole was inadvertently opened the day before, when an appeals court invalidated one section of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977.

      腾讯太空讯 据国外媒体报道,来自卡内基-梅隆、布朗和剑桥三所高校的科学家在一个新发现的矮星系中探测到可疑的信号,进一步的分析认为这可能与暗物质有关。新发现的矮星系被命名为Reticulum 2,来自暗能量巡天调查,在过去的数周时间内,科学家确定了这个矮星系基本情况,它距离我们大约9.8万光年。同时,科学家在Reticulum 2矮星系内探测到不明高能伽玛射线。本研究论文的第一作者亚历克斯-格林格认为该星系似乎不存在伽玛射线源,因此这可能是暗物质的信号。

      Ireland closes legal drugs loophole - CNN.com

      Ireland closes legal drugs loophole - CNN.com

      "We prepared for this possibility. Legislation was prepared and approved in advance by Cabinet," Minister for Health Leo Varadkar said in a written statement. "The emergency legislation ... will re-instate the status quo ante and re-control all drugs that were controlled prior to this judgment."

      The court ruled that Irish governments had been unconstitutionally adding substances to Section 2 of the law for decades.

      On Wednesday, lawmakers in Ireland rushed to close a loophole that temporarily made it legal to possess Ecstasy, crystal methamphetamine, ketamine, magic mushrooms and a host of other recreational drugs.


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